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Today's Stichomancy for Stephen Hawking

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from In a German Pension by Katherine Mansfield:

Staring at the letter she began braiding her hair--a dull feeling of rage crept through her--she seemed to be braiding it into her brain, and binding it, tightly, above her head...Of course that had been the mistake all along. What had? Oh, Casimir's frightful seriousness. If she had been happy when they first met she never would have looked at him--but they had been like two patients in the same hospital ward--each finding comfort in the sickness of the other--sweet foundation for a love episode! Misfortune had knocked their heads together: they had looked at each other, stunned with the conflict and sympathised..."I wish I could step outside the whole affair and just judge it--then I'd find a way out. I certainly was in love with Casimir...Oh, be sincere for once." She flopped down on the bed and