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Today's Tarot for Frederick II

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The Relationship spread provides insight into the interaction between two people or entities. It is the spread of choice for questions about partnerships, be they in romance or business. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to www.blaketarot.com.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top left represents how you see yourself. Imagination, when reversed: Failure to use wisdom and prudence. Too much reliance on novel solutions to conventional problems. Unwillingness to look within and seek an inspired resolution.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top right represents how you see your partner. Six of Poetry (Cooperation), when reversed: Unwillingness to bring complimentary forces together. Archetypes that should fuel each other remain at odds. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Teamwork gone awry. Trouble dealing with those in high places. Being placed in the middle of two warring parties. In the creative process: This is a time to rely on your intuition to invoke the "eternal attributes" you need to get the job done; cooperate with your visions.
Click for DetailsThe card in the center left represents how you feel about your partner. Assessment, when reversed: Inattention to being fair and just. Lack of consideration of commitments, agreements, or negotiations. Refusal to weigh the pros and cons of a situation. Being blind to the needs of self versus others. Inability to transcend a situation or avoid a conflict of interest.
Click for DetailsThe card in the center right represents what stands between you and your partner. Ten of Poetry (Prophecy): "In futurity / I prophetic see / That the earth from sleep / (Grave the sentence deep) Shall arise and seek / For her maker meek: And the desart wild / Become a garden mild". Experiencing a feeling of spiritual elevation. Profound existential gratitude. Communion with elemental forces. Acceptance of divine will. Things are turning on the hinge of fate. Having the gift of prophecy, and speaking the truth. "Telling it like it is." Commitment to serve the greater good. Awakening to the larger implications of life. In the creative process: A time of divine grace in which you have special access to creativity. Be humble despite your achievements; you are channeling from a higher source.
Click for DetailsThe card in the lower left represents how your partner sees you. Ten of Science (Defeat), when reversed: Spiritual victory in the face of material defeat. Sacrificing the lesser for the greater. Being released from a dead-end situation. Embracing the inevitable. In the creative process: Difficulties abound; your work is in flames. Defeat must be transcended by right attitude. Remember that suffering is the short road to Spirit.
Click for DetailsThe card in the lower right represents what your partner feels about you. Four of Poetry (Harmony), when reversed: Things refuse to come together. Achievements or personal successes go unrecognized. What was sown cannot be reaped. Discord among friends and family. Inability to working together with a partner or share a special experience. In the creative process: The various elements and personalities involved in your project are interacting harmoniously, generating an appropriate sense of gratitude for what has been accomplished so far.
Click for DetailsThe card in the center represents the present status or challenge of the relationship. Nine of Poetry (Powers): "We were plac'd here by the Universal Brotherhood & Mercy With powers fitted to circumscribe this dark Satanic death". Gifted with expressive and imaginative powers. Feeling exalted by a vision of spiritual truth and love. Optimistically secure in your ability to achieve anything you can imagine. Surrounded by the good things of life. Completing tasks, seeking closure or consummation. Wisdom gained by meeting life's challenges and experiences. In the creative process: At the peak of your creative powers, this is the time to drive for completion and fulfillment in your work.