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Today's Tarot for Italo Calvino

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The Fourfold Vision spread offers a progression of different ways of looking at an object, person, or situation. It is a powerful tool for gaining deeper insight into the specific subjects of other readings. The Cat People Tarot paints a picture of faraway lands trod by mystical archetypes and their feline companions. This deck is a perfect tool for dreamers and idealists, and is a great choice for divining the nature of human imagination. If you would like your own copy of the Cat People Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card on the far right represents the object being viewed, be it an idea, relationship, or the self. King of Cups, when reversed: Artistic temperament. Double-dealing. Dishonesty. Scandal. Loss. Ruin. Injustice. A crafty person without virtue. Shiftiness in dealings.
Click for DetailsThe card second from the right represents the physical vision: how the object is seen at a base or mechanical level. Five of Pentacles (Worry): Material trouble. Destitution. Loss. Failure. Error. Impoverishment. Lover. Misaffection.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle represents the mental vision: the object personified and seen through a humanized perspective. Queen of Wands: A sympathetic and understanding person. Friendly, loving, honorable and chaste person. Practicality. Feminine charm and grace. Capacity for meaningful expression and love. Gracious hostess. Sincere interest in others.
Click for DetailsThe card second from the left represents the emotional vision: how passions and values are creatively stimulated by the mental vision. Strength, when reversed: Weakness. Pettiness. Impotence. Sickness. Tyranny. Lack of faith. Abuse of power. Succumbing to temptation. Indifference.
Click for DetailsThe card on the far left represents the fourfold or mystical vision: still viewing through the previous three, we now add a spiritual element, revealing unseen aspects of the object. Two of Wands (Dominion): Mature individual. Ruler. Attainment of goals and needs. Boldness. Courage in undertakings. A dominant personality.