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Today's Tarot for Josh Hartnett

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The Two Paths spread provides insight into an important decision ahead of you, the possible outcomes, and the forces that draw you towards each of these outcomes. The Palladini Tarot was created to "bridge the ancient and the future", using elements of Medieval, Egyptian and modern art. It is one of the most popular decks among new students of Tarot. If you would like your own copy of the Palladini Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe top left card represents the first possible outcome. Eight of Pentacles (Prudence): Dedicating yourself fully to a task. Learning a new craft or skill. Applying painstaking attention to detail. Industriousness and the efficient completion of tasks. Sticking with a project long enough to see it through.
Click for DetailsThe top right card represents the second possible outcome. The High Priestess, when reversed: Being confused and led astray from the true path. Spiritual deception. Overzealous and shallow-minded pursuit of the esoteric. Insecurity, conceit and self-destructiveness. The forces of nature unleashed.
Click for DetailsThe middle left card represents the force drawing you towards the first possible outcome. Five of Swords (Defeat), when reversed: Refusing to achieve success through personal degradation. Friendship maintained through the abandonment of a dishonorable gain. Slander and infamy avoided.
Click for DetailsThe middle right card represents the force drawing you towards the second possible outcome. The Hanged Man: Pausing to reflect. Surrendering to an experience. Adjusting to new ideas through sacrifice. Opening oneself to intuition and enhanced awareness. Letting go of past patterns and growing beyond them. Inner peace, faith, and serenity.
Click for DetailsThe bottom card represents the critical factor that decides what will come to pass. The Emperor: Worldly authority and power. Social mastery and oratory. One who is intelligent, experienced, confident and reasonable. A patriarch or primary male influence. The motive force of politics and society. The ability to fulfill plans and use mental control over the emotions.