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Today's Tarot for Ken Nordine

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The Cross and Triangle spread is a powerful means of understanding complex situations, developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This spread is rich in occult and mystical symbolism, and one of our favorites here at Facade. The Voodoo Tarot of New Orleans is a deck rich in primal spirituality. It draws on images from the religion Santeria, which weaves Catholic and African beliefs into a vibrant tapestry. This exceptional deck is most often used to ask questions regarding the joy, fury, and spirituality in everyday life. If you would like your own copy of the Voodoo Tarot of New Orleans, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe first card, the significator, is placed in the center of the cross. This card represents the prime energy manifest in your life. Gran Bois (Ten of Cups), when reversed: Dissipation, debauchery, and stagnation. Taking one's good fortune for granted. Problems in domestic and social matters. A false love or infatuation, leading to a lack of fulfillment.
Click for DetailsThe second card, placed above the significator, represents Air. It describes your spirit, process of thought, and the influence of reason. Agwe (Four of Swords), when reversed: Restlessness and mental disharmony. Deserting a struggle in progress. A temporary retreat from stress that turns into a permanent rout. A lack of vigilance that could lead to disaster.
Click for DetailsThe third card, placed to the right of the significator, represents Fire. It describes your motivations, creative energies, and the influence of passion. Yaguo (Page of Discs), when reversed: The dark essence of earth, such as a chasm: Unfavorable news about business, finance, or the physical world. One who delights in all forms of luxury and physical excess, leaving practical matters unattended. Irrationality and failure to recognize obvious facts, coupled with a poor work ethic. Wastefulness, lack of focus, and loss. May portend the loss of a job or promotion.
Click for DetailsThe fourth card, placed below the significator, represents Water. It describes your emotions, meditations, and the influence of love. Carnival (The World): Completeness and intricacy of design. A great work. Achievement, reward, and well-earned recognition. A time of success, prosperity, security and joy. May also indicate travel or a change in residence.
Click for DetailsThe fifth card, placed to the left of the significator represents Earth. It describes your physical presence, position in life, and the influence of the material world. Z'Etoile (The Star): New hopes and splendid revelations of the future. Insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self. Body and mind and converging towards the light at the end of a dark time.
Click for DetailsAt this point the cross is complete and the triangle is formed. The sixth card, placed on the bottom left of the triangle represents one of two opposing forces. La Baleine (Four of Cups), when reversed: New and unusual relationships and opportunities. The reawakening of your appetite for life or love. The path of excess leading to spiritual rejuvenation and the appearance of novel ambitions.
Click for DetailsThe seventh card, placed on the bottom right of the triangle represents the force that opposes the bottom left card. These forces may be external, but they are frequently one's own inner archetypes in conflict. Ochosi (Ten of Discs), when reversed: Material prosperity and riches squandered through slothfulness, gambling, or family problems. The loss of reputation or inheritance, or the failure to pass an inheritance along to one's children.
Click for DetailsThe eighth card, the reconciler, is placed below the cross in the third vertex of the triangle. This is the force that will resolve the conflict between the bottom left and bottom right cards. By meditating on this force and bringing more of it into your life, you can bring the matter at hand to a swifter conclusion than would naturally occur. Ogoun Bhalin'dio (Five of Cups): Suffering a loss and wishing for what might have been. Being crippled by sadness, grief, and vain regret. Indecision brought on by the feeling that you made the wrong choice. Ignoring what you still have. May suggest a broken relationship or tragedy. May also suggest a gift, inheritance, opportunity, partnership, or marriage, but one that falls below expectations.
Click for DetailsThe ninth and final card, placed in the center bottom of the triangle, represents the final outcome unless you change course. Dr. John (The Magus): Mastery over word, mind, and matter. The ability to turn ideas into actions, handle problems, and control one's life. The initiation of new projects, great works, or a new way of life. Eloquent and moving communication. Arcane and eldritch technologies.