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Today's Tarot for Yoshitaka Amano

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The Hagall spread is a tool for revealing the path of spiritual growth in difficult situations. It is a favorite of mystics and those confronting a major life challenge. The Aquatic Tarot is a modern watercolor interpretation of the classic Rider Waite symbolism. It is rapidly becoming one of the most popular decks, due to both its spectacular beauty and its traditional imagery.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the circle represents the core or central issue of the situation. The Star, when reversed: Lost hopes, doubt and failure. Physical health and mental outlook lost in the outer darkness. Desperation leading to blind faith in false solutions.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom of the circle represents something you did to bring the situation about. Nine of Swords (Cruelty): Debilitating mental anguish or ill health. Being dragged down by the dishonor of others. Participation in a shameful or regrettable act. Inescapable guilt, mistrust, and doubt. May indicate a death or other catastrophic loss.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom left of the circle represents your beliefs, impressions, or expectations. Queen of Wands, when reversed: The dark essence of fire behaving as water, such as steam: The natural embodiment of passion and sensuality, who will do anything to the be the center of attention. A seducer who calculatingly dons the guise of what others desire. A cocky and domineering person, who pushes anyone or anything aside to get what she wants. One who is vengeful and quick to take offense without good cause. May indicate infidelity and contempt for a relationship.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom right of the circle represents the most likely outcome of the situation given present circumstances. Knight of Cups, when reversed: The dark essence of water behaving as fire, such as a flash flood: Deceptive charm in the service of intense insecurity and rapidly shifting moods. Selfishness, indolence, and a complete lack of maturity. Misguided idealism divorced from practicality. Destructive romantic passions and infidelity.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper left of the circle represents the spiritual history of the situation the things you've learned. Death, when reversed: Stagnation or petrifaction. The refusal to let go of the past. Resistance to change because of fear.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the circle represents the spiritual tasks and challenges of the present situation. Six of Pentacles (Success), when reversed: Insolence and conceit with material things. Overconfidence, bad investments, and imprudent handing of acquired wealth. Contempt for those less fortunate. Deception and petty disputes driven by greed and envy.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper right of the circle represents the metamorphosis of the spiritual situation, and how your knowledge will evolve. The Tower, when reversed: Unexpected upheaval leading to a positive change in life. Catastrophe survived or narrowly avoided. A new lifestyle and enlightenment. May indicate a broken relationship, divorce, or failure in business or career.
Click for DetailsThe card at the left of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey. Ace of Pentacles: The seed of prosperity and material gain - perhaps as yet unseen. A new foundation from which to turn your dreams into reality. The need to focus on the practical and understand the dynamics of the natural world. May represent a gift, document, inheritance, or an unexpected opportunity for physical achievement.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the lower line represents the qualities that you express in this circumstance. King of Cups, when reversed: The dark essence of water behaving as air, such as rain clouds in a gray sky: A pillar of maturity and patience, hiding a deep insecurity and an indecisive nature. One who secretly lusts for power, but lacks the courage, intellect, or work ethic necessary to take it. A charming seducer who appears innocent and understanding, but is in fact selfish and unfaithful.
Click for DetailsThe card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. Seven of Wands (Valor): Standing courageously for your beliefs in the face of adversity. Fear of failure overcome by the will to succeed. Great obstacles met with heroism and determination. Inner strength brought to bear at a critical moment.