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Today's Tarot for Sarah Silverman

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The Two Paths spread provides insight into an important decision ahead of you, the possible outcomes, and the forces that draw you towards each of these outcomes. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to www.blaketarot.com.
Click for DetailsThe top left card represents the first possible outcome. Ace of Music (Passion), when reversed: Emotions repressed or violently out of control. A lack of passion or connection to your highest potential. Being led astray from meaning and fulfillment. Inhibition. In the creative process: A passionate desire to rise above the norm, to soar to personal new heights of creative vision.
Click for DetailsThe top right card represents the second possible outcome. Five of Science (Division): Feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus on the whole problem. Being unable to cut yourself loose. Being mentally hung up. Personal entanglements. Intellectually split. Divided loyalties. Inaction through indecision. In the creative process: Caught in your own net of plans or scheme. Divide the problem into smaller segments for greater freedom of action.
Click for DetailsThe middle left card represents the force drawing you towards the first possible outcome. Five of Music (Melancholy): "Whatever is Born of Mortal Birth / Must be consumed with the Earth / To rise from Generation free: / Then what have I to do with thee?". Emotional disappointment. Existential angst. Spiritual insights following a sad event. Separating and moving on. Sadness, loss, grieving. Acknowledging your mistakes. Releasing ties and attachments from the past. In the creative process: Convert the pain of disappointment or loss into artistic expression. Let go of something old or dead and move on to something new and alive.
Click for DetailsThe middle right card represents the force drawing you towards the second possible outcome. Mystery: Relying on your intuitive abilities and listening to inner wisdom. Unexplained or mysterious energies at work. Issues of sexuality. Feeling a sense of divine protection. Guarding your territory. Look around you for instructive omens and portents. Attraction to or advice from a wise woman.
Click for DetailsThe bottom card represents the critical factor that decides what will come to pass. Angel of Music, when reversed: Restrained surge of passionate emotion. Lack of compassion. Inability to rise above a mundane or materialistic milieu. An unexpected lack of emotion. Withheld personal transformation. Undeveloped aesthetic sensibility. Misunderstanding of public needs or the mass media. In the creative process: An inrush of excitement or appearance of a new factor offers alternative possibilities for your work.