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Today's Stichomancy for Christina Aguilera

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Collection of Antiquities by Honore de Balzac:

subtle promises, which revived hope and then melted away like ice in the sun if you looked at them closely, and most treacherous in the desire which she felt and inspired. At the close of this charming encounter she produced the running noose of an invitation to call, and flung it over him with a dainty demureness which the printed page can never set forth.

"You will forget me," she said. "You will find so many women eager to pay court to you instead of enlightening you. . . . But you will come back to me undeceived. Are you coming to me first? . . . No. As you will.--For my own part, I tell you frankly that your visits will be a great pleasure to me. People of soul are so rare, and I think that you

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Call of the Canyon by Zane Grey:

"Say, if you're a-goin' to keel over like thet I pass," declared Ruff, in disgust. "Can't you Eastern wimmin stand nothin?"

Carley's eyes opened and beheld this man in an attitude of supremely derisive protest.

"You look like a sick kitten," he added. "When I get me a sweetheart or wife I want her to be a wild cat."

His scorn and repudiation of her gave Carley intense relief. She sat up and endeavored to collect her shattered nerves. Ruff gazed down at her with great disapproval and even disappointment.

"Say, did you have some fool idee I was a-goin' to kill you?" he queried, gruffly.

The Call of the Canyon
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Bureaucracy by Honore de Balzac:

discussion, for I don't want to be nervous on a reception-day. Good heavens! the poor soul!" she thought, as she left the room, "it IS hard to be in labor for seven years and bring forth a dead child! And not trust his wife!"

She went back into the room.

"If you had listened to me you would never had interceded to keep your chief clerk; he stole that abominable paper, and has, no doubt, kept a fac-simile of it. Adieu, man of genius!"

Then she noticed the almost tragic expression of her husband's grief; she felt she had gone too far, and ran to him, seized him just as he was, all lathered with soap-suds, and kissed him tenderly.