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Today's Stichomancy for Claire Forlani

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Court Life in China by Isaac Taylor Headland:

1894 till 1898, during which time his example was followed by tens of thousands of young Chinese scholars throughout the empire, and Chang Chih-tung wrote his epoch-making book "China's Only Hope" which, being sent to the young Emperor, led him to enter upon a universal reform, the chief feature of which may be considered the adoption of a new educational system.

But now let us notice the animus of Kuang Hsu. He has been praised without stint for his leaning towards foreign affairs, when in reality was it not simply an effort on the part of the young man to make China strong enough to resist the incursions of the European powers? Germany had taken Kiaochou, Russia had taken

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from 1492 by Mary Johntson:

share them with you who have done me various good turns to-day.''

I said that he was generous but that he had done me good turns. Moreover I was not utterly without coin, and certainly the hour had paid for itself. So he mounted his mule and wished me good fortune, and I wished him good fortune.

``Are you going to Santa Fe?''

``Yes. I have a friend in the camp.''

``I go there to paint her Highness the Queen for his Highness the King. Perhaps we shall meet again. I am

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Juana by Honore de Balzac:

and the desires with which Juana inspired him, he was caressing and unctuous in language; he launched the young creature into plans for a new existence, described to her the world under glowing colors, talked to her of household details always attractive to the mind of girls, giving her a sense of the rights and realities of love. Then, having agreed upon the hour for their future nocturnal interviews, he left her happy, but changed; the pure and pious Juana existed no longer; in the last glance she gave him, in the pretty movement by which she brought her forehead to his lips, there was already more of passion than a girl should feel. Solitude, weariness of employments contrary to her nature had brought this about. To make the daughter of the