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Today's Stichomancy for H. P. Lovecraft

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Kenilworth by Walter Scott:

the manual of English gentlemen.


This is rare news thou tell'st me, my good fellow; There are two bulls fierce battling on the green For one fair heifer--if the one goes down, The dale will be more peaceful, and the herd, Which have small interest in their brulziement, May pasture there in peace.--OLD PLAY.

Sayes Court was watched like a beleaguered fort; and so high rose the suspicions of the time, that Tressilian and his attendants were stopped and questioned repeatedly by sentinels, both on foot

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot:

'Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed?

Line 42 Od'] Oed' -- Editor.

'Oh keep the Dog far hence, that's friend to men, 'Or with his nails he'll dig it up again! 'You! hypocrite lecteur! -- mon semblable, -- mon frère!'


THE Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne, Glowed on the marble, where the glass Held up by standards wrought with fruited vines From which a golden Cupidon peeped out 80 (Another hid his eyes behind his wing)

The Waste Land
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Redheaded Outfield by Zane Grey:

he saw only the averted face of Dorothy Huling. And as he returned to the field with a dull pang, he determined he would make her indifference disappear with the gladness of a victory for her team.

The practice was short, but long enough for Wayne to locate the glaring weakness of Salisbury at shortstop and third base. In fact, most of the players of his team showed rather poor form; they were overstrained, and plainly lacked experience necessary for steadiness in an

The Redheaded Outfield