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Today's Stichomancy for Joseph Stalin

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Barnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens:


But even then, their very kindness shaped itself into their usual course of policy, and though Dolly was in a swoon, it was rendered clear to the meanest capacity, that Mrs Varden was the sufferer. Thus when Dolly began to get a little better, and passed into that stage in which matrons hold that remonstrance and argument may be successfully applied, her mother represented to her, with tears in her eyes, that if she had been flurried and worried that day, she must remember it was the common lot of humanity, and in especial of womankind, who through the whole of their existence must expect no less, and were bound to make up their minds to meek endurance and

Barnaby Rudge
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Redheaded Outfield by Zane Grey:

believed she would be, for the President of the League and directors of the Kansas City team were with her uncle. When the bell rang to call the Denver team in from practice the stands could hold no more, and the roped-off side lines were filling up with noisy men and boys. From her seat Madge could see right down upon the players' bench, and when she caught both Sheldon and Carroll gazing upward she drew back with sharply contrasted thrills.

Then the bell rang again, the bleachers rolled

The Redheaded Outfield
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Two Noble Kinsmen by William Shakespeare:


How his longing Followes his Friend! since his depart, his sportes Though craving seriousnes, and skill, past slightly His careles execution, where nor gaine Made him regard, or losse consider; but Playing one busines in his hand, another Directing in his head, his minde, nurse equall To these so diffring Twyns--have you observ'd him, Since our great Lord departed?