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Today's Stichomancy for Sean Astin

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by Sir John Mandeville:

and Saint Jame; and there they saw, ghostly, Moses and Elias the prophets beside them. And therefore said Saint Peter; DOMINE, BONUM EST NOS HIC ESSE; FACIAMUS HIC TRIA TABERNACULA; that is to say, 'Lord, it is good for us to be here; make we here three dwelling-places.' And there heard they a voice of the Father that say; HIC EST FILIUS MEUS DILECTUS, IN QUO MIHI BENE COMPLACUI. And our Lord defended them that they should not tell that avision till that he were risen from death to life.

In that hill and in that same place, at the day of doom, four angels with four trumpets shall blow and raise all men that had suffered death, sith that the world was formed, from death to life;