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Today's Stichomancy for Spike Lee

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from The Red Inn by Honore de Balzac:

absolutely carry the case before some tribunal, go to that of the confessional."

The Code incarnate ceased speaking, sat down, and drank a glass of champagne. The man charged with the duty of explaining the gospel, the good priest, rose.

"God has made us all frail beings," he said firmly. "If you love the heiress of that crime, marry her; but content yourself with the property she derives from her mother; give that of the father to the poor."

"But," cried one of those pitiless hair-splitters who are often to be met with in the world, "perhaps the father could make a rich marriage

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Malbone: An Oldport Romance by Thomas Wentworth Higginson:

no agitation with them, nor any development of abnormal powers. They simply wrapped her in a profound repose, from which no effort could rouse her, till the trance passed by. Her eyes gradually closed, her voice died away, and all movement ceased, save that her eyelids sometimes trembled without opening, and sweet evanescent expressions chased each other across her face,--the shadows of thoughts unseen. For a time she seemed to distinguish the touch of different persons by preference or pain; but soon even this sign of recognition vanished, and the household could only wait and watch, while she sank into deeper and yet deeper repose.

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Koran:

humbled at the remembrance of God, and of what He has sent down in truth? and for them not to be like those who were given the Scriptures before, and over whom time was prolonged, but their hearts grew hard, and many of them were workers of abomination?

Know that God quickens the earth after its death!-we have manifested to you the signs; haply ye may have some sense!

Verily, those who give in charity, men and women, who have lent to God a goodly loan,-it shall be doubled for them, and for them is a generous hire.

And those who believe in God and His Apostle, they are the confessors and the martyrs with their Lord; for them is their hire and

The Koran