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Today's Stichomancy for Stanley Kubrick

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Twilight Land by Howard Pyle:

concerning all you see you must ask not a question and say not a word. Do you agree to that?"

"Yes," said the servant, "I do."

"Very well, said his new comrade; "then let us be jogging, for I have business in the town to-night, and the time is none too long to get there."

So all the rest of that day they journeyed onward together, until, towards evening, they came to a town with high towers and steep roofs and tall spires. The servant's companion entered the gate as though he knew the place right well, and led the way up one street and down another, until, by-and-by, they came to a

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche:


If ye believed more in life, then would ye devote yourselves less to the momentary. But for waiting, ye have not enough of capacity in you--nor even for idling!

Everywhere resoundeth the voices of those who preach death; and the earth is full of those to whom death hath to be preached.

Or "life eternal"; it is all the same to me--if only they pass away quickly!--

Thus spake Zarathustra.


By our best enemies we do not want to be spared, nor by those either whom

Thus Spake Zarathustra
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Human Drift by Jack London:

automatically to the roll of the ship, paralysed with fear. Had the Bricklayer suddenly seized my throat with corporeal fingers and proceeded to throttle me, it would have been no more than I expected. Dead men did rise up, and that would be the most likely thing the malignant Bricklayer would do.

But he didn't seize my throat. Nothing happened. And, since nature abhors a status, I could not remain there in the one place forever paralysed. I turned and started aft. I did not run. What was the use? What chance had I against the malevolent world of ghosts? Flight, with me, was the swiftness of my legs. The pursuit, with a ghost, was the swiftness of thought. And there