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Today's Stichomancy for Tom Hanks

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Misalliance by George Bernard Shaw:

of it, beat away. I dont grudge you that.

TARLETON. _[almost in hysterics]_ I used to think that this sort of thing went on in other families but that it never could happen in ours. And now-- _[He is broken with emotion, and continues lamentably]_ I cant say the right thing. I cant do the right thing. I dont know what is the right thing. I'm beaten; and she knows it. Summerhays: tell me what to do.

LORD SUMMERHAYS. When my council in Jinghiskahn reached the point of coming to blows, I used to adjourn the sitting. Let us postpone the discussion. Wait until Monday: we shall have Sunday to quiet down in. Believe me, I'm not making fun of you; but I think theres