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Today's Tarot for Douglas Adams

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The Cross and Triangle spread is a powerful means of understanding complex situations, developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This spread is rich in occult and mystical symbolism, and one of our favorites here at Facade. The Lovecraft Tarot is a tribute to the gothic writings of the visionary H.P. Lovecraft. It is the deck of choice for explorers of the macabre, and for posing questions that should never be asked. If you would like your own copy of the Lovecraft Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe first card, the significator, is placed in the center of the cross. This card represents the prime energy manifest in your life. Hastur, when reversed: Weakness in character leading to tyranny and abuse of worldly power. Loss of confidence and ambition, coupled with the cold execution of the unthinkable. The inability to carry out plans or command respect. Being unreasonable and prone to fits of rage. A deceiver or demagogue.
Click for DetailsThe second card, placed above the significator, represents Air. It describes your spirit, process of thought, and the influence of reason. Knight of Sites (EOD Temple): The essence of earth behaving as fire, such as molten magma: One slow to action, but decisive and unrelenting once set in motion. A force of nature whose methods are as predictable and dependable as they are unstoppable. The voice of duty, honor, and responsibility. The will to the change the world, not through bold action, but through the thorough and unwavering application of proven means.
Click for DetailsThe third card, placed to the right of the significator, represents Fire. It describes your motivations, creative energies, and the influence of passion. Ace of Tomes (The Necronomicon): The seed of a new venture - perhaps as yet unseen. An opportunity to be met with boldness, vigor, and enthusiasm. The herald of birth, invention, or entrepreneurship. An innate and primal force released. May suggest a surge of vitality, creativity, or fertility that can set things in motion.
Click for DetailsThe fourth card, placed below the significator, represents Water. It describes your emotions, meditations, and the influence of love. Six of Tomes (Libre d'Eibon): A sense of honor and satisfaction at the resolution of an important matter. Triumph after great struggle. Jubilation at the hearing of good news. The realization of hopes and desires.
Click for DetailsThe fifth card, placed to the left of the significator represents Earth. It describes your physical presence, position in life, and the influence of the material world. Five of Tomes (The Dhol Chants), when reversed: Pointless struggles motivated by the vain pursuit of recognition, financial reward, or base desires. Disunity, chaos, and petty quarreling at a time of crisis. A stressful situation that brings out the worst in the participants.
Click for DetailsAt this point the cross is complete and the triangle is formed. The sixth card, placed on the bottom left of the triangle represents one of two opposing forces. Nine of Sites (Kadath), when reversed: Bad luck attending material affairs. Elitism and snobbishness. Lack discipline resulting in the erosion of security and stability. Contempt for the exact labors that brought one to a position of refinement. Dishonesty in financial matters.
Click for DetailsThe seventh card, placed on the bottom right of the triangle represents the force that opposes the bottom left card. These forces may be external, but they are frequently one's own inner archetypes in conflict. Knight of Artifacts (The Hound Amulet): The essence of air behaving as fire, such as a tornado: A fearless and skillful warrior, unfettered by emotion or material concerns. One able to boldly take on challenges that others consider terrifying or insurmountable. A person who inspires fear and awe through the purity of their purpose and the intensity of their intellect. Speaking frankly, in an outspoken manner, and with great influence. May portend the swift initiation or conclusion of a conflict, through the decisive invocation of force.
Click for DetailsThe eighth card, the reconciler, is placed below the cross in the third vertex of the triangle. This is the force that will resolve the conflict between the bottom left and bottom right cards. By meditating on this force and bringing more of it into your life, you can bring the matter at hand to a swifter conclusion than would naturally occur. Seven of Sites (St. Toad's), when reversed: Labors abandoned before completion. Impatience, lack of effort, and the wasting of time. Idle and unprofitable speculation.
Click for DetailsThe ninth and final card, placed in the center bottom of the triangle, represents the final outcome unless you change course. Two of Artifacts (The Colour Out of Space), when reversed: Indecision due to contradictory characteristics brought together. Tension in the aftermath of a quarrel that has been resolved. Scheming, abuse of trust, and agreements made in bad faith. Allowing the mind to block off the emotions. Self deception as a means of justifying cruel acts.