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Today's I Ching for Mitt Romney

The yarrow have been drawn....

Yin (New)
Yang (Old)
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
The present is embodied in Hexagram 63 - Chi Chi (After Completion): We see progress and success in small matters. There will be advantage in being firm and correct. There has been good fortune in the beginning, but there may be disorder in the end.
The fifth line, undivided, shows its subject as the neighbour in the east who slaughters an ox for his sacrifice. However this is not equal to the small spring sacrifice of the neighbour in the west, whose sincerity receives the blessing.
The situation is evolving slowly, and Yin (the passive feminine force) is gaining ground.
Yin (New)
Yin (New)
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
The future is embodied in Hexagram 36 - Ming I (Darkening of the Light): It will be advantageous to realize the difficulty of the position, and maintain firm correctness.
The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram K'an (Water), which is transforming into K'un (Earth). As part of this process, danger and the unknown are giving way to docility and receptivity.
The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Li (Fire), which represents brightness and warmth.