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Introduction to Rune Readings

      Rune readings are arrangements of the 24 runes (letters) of the old Futhark alphabet. The layout of the runes is known as a spread, and determines what each rune refers to. For example, in the Three Norns spread, the first rune represents the past, the second the present, and the third the future.

Sets: In addition to each rune having a meaning, the material in which the runes are carved can color the reading. Most people consistently use runes made of ceramic, stone, or wood. In order to broaden your experience, we offer readings with Gold Runes (for questions about business, career, and property), Jade Runes (for questions about love, friendship, and relationships), Ice Runes (for questions about struggle, conflict, and achievement), Spirit Runes (for questions about mysticism, spirituality, and religion), and Stone Runes (for questions about the natural world and things beyond human control).

Druid Magic: Celtic Wisdom

A sound scholarly work on Celtic culture and the Druidic traditions, excellent for new and returning students of natural magick.

Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic

A solid book on the tradition of rune magic, which explores the nature of each rune and touches on the history surrounding them.

Northern Mysteries & Magick: Runes, Gods, and Feminine Powers

An examination of the ancient Nordic pantheon and the 24 Elder Futhark runes. Included with the book is a CD.

The Healing Runes: Tools for the Recovery of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul

A very popular revisionist approach to the runes, which adjusts interpretations to make them more appropriate to therapeutic applications.