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Today's Stichomancy for L. Ron Hubbard

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Catriona by Robert Louis Stevenson:

my uncle's nephew, I would be found a careful lad."

"So ye have a spark of sleeness in ye?" observed the old lady, with some approval. "I thought ye had just been a cuif - you and your saxpence, and your LUCKY DAY and your SAKE OF BALWHIDDER" - from which I was gratified to learn that Catriona had not forgotten some of our talk. "But all this is by the purpose," she resumed. "Am I to understand that ye come here keeping company?"

"This is surely rather an early question," said I. "The maid is young, so am I, worse fortune. I have but seen her the once. I'll not deny," I added, making up my mind to try her with some frankness, "I'll not deny but she has run in my head a good deal since I met in with her.