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Today's Stichomancy for Sophia Loren

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from God The Invisible King by H. G. Wells:

physical welfare. Salvation leaves us still disharmonious, and adds not an inch to our spiritual and moral stature.


Let us now take up the question of what is Sin? and what we mean by the term "damnation," in the light of this view of human reality. Most of the great world religions are as clear as Professor Metchnikoff that life in the world is a tangle of disharmonies, and in most cases they supply a more or less myth-like explanation, they declare that evil is one side of the conflict between Ahriman and Ormazd, or that it is the punishment of an act of disobedience, of the fall of man and world alike from a state of harmony. Their