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Today's Stichomancy for Dr. Phil

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Catriona by Robert Louis Stevenson:

looking at me hard and pitiful. AY, IT WAS TRUE HE SAID, YOU ARE BONNY AT ALL EVENTS. - THE WAY GOD MADE ME, MY DEAR, I said, BUT I WOULD BE GEY AND OBLIGED IF YOU COULD TELL ME WHAT BROUGHT YOU HERE AT SUCH A TIME OF THE NIGHT. - LADY, she said, WE ARE KINSFOLK, WE ARE BOTH COME OF THE BLOOD OF THE SONS OF ALPIN. - MY DEAR, I replied, I THINK NO MORE OF ALPIN OR HIS SONS THAN WHAT I DO OF A KALESTOCK. YOU HAVE A BETTER ARGUMENT IN THESE TEARS UPON YOUR BONNY FACE. And at that I was so weak-minded as to kiss her, which is what you would like to do dearly, and I wager will never find the courage of. I say it was weak- minded of me, for I knew no more of her than the outside; but it was the wisest stroke I could have hit upon. She is a very staunch, brave