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Today's Stichomancy for Hugh Jackman

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Divine Comedy (translated by H.F. Cary) by Dante Alighieri:

And Balearic, ne'er hath Neptune seen An injury so foul, by pirates done Or Argive crew of old. That one-ey'd traitor (Whose realm there is a spirit here were fain His eye had still lack'd sight of) them shall bring To conf'rence with him, then so shape his end, That they shall need not 'gainst Focara's wind Offer up vow nor pray'r." I answering thus: "Declare, as thou dost wish that I above May carry tidings of thee, who is he, In whom that sight doth wake such sad remembrance?"

The Divine Comedy (translated by H.F. Cary)