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Today's Stichomancy for Ron Howard

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Ursula by Honore de Balzac:

my head seriously for that rather insipid little blonde," he added, smiling at the sub-prefect's wife (who was a piquante brunette--to use a term of the last century). "You are dreaming, my dear Monsieur Bongrand; I thought every one knew that my father was a lord of a manor, with a rent roll of forty-five thousand francs a year from lands around his chateau at Rouvre,--good reasons why I should not love the goddaughter of my late great-uncle. If I were to marry a girl without a penny these ladies would consider me a fool."

"Have you never tormented your father to let you marry Ursula?"


"You hear that, monsieur?" said the justice to the procureur du roi,