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Today's Stichomancy for Russell Crowe

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Ancient Regime by Charles Kingsley:

too, that it fell in with a temper of mind unsatisfied with the dry dogmatism into which the popular creeds had then been frozen-- unsatisfied with their own Frenchified foppery and pseudo- philosophy--unsatisfied with want of all duty, purpose, noble thought, or noble work. With such a temper of mind it fell in: but that very temper was open (as it always is) to those dreams of a royal road to wisdom and to virtue, which have haunted, in all ages, the luxurious and the idle.

Those who will, may read enough, and too much, of the wonderful secrets in nature and science and theosophy, which men expected to find and did not find in the higher degrees of Masonry, till old