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Today's Stichomancy for Salma Hayek

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Where There's A Will by Mary Roberts Rinehart:

miles from life--" He shrugged his shoulders and came back to the table. "It is well enough for the father," he went on to Miss Patty, "but for you! Why--it is depressing, gray. The only bit of color in it all is--here, in what you call the spring- house." I thought he meant Miss Patty's cheeks or her lovely violet eyes, but he was looking at my hair. I had caught his eye on it before, but this time he made no secret about it, and he sighed, for all the world as if it reminded him of something. He went over to the slot-machine and stood in front of it, humming and trying the different combinations. I must say he had a nice back.