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Today's Tarot for OJ Simpson

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The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most popular Tarot spreads, providing varied insight into many aspects of a complex situation and your role in it. The Lovecraft Tarot is a tribute to the gothic writings of the visionary H.P. Lovecraft. It is the deck of choice for explorers of the macabre, and for posing questions that should never be asked. If you would like your own copy of the Lovecraft Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card not shown but at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. Six of Man (Herbert West), when reversed: Closing your heart to the simple pleasures of life. Escaping realities by living in the past. Refusal to grow up and embrace the joys of adulthood. Contempt for acts of gentle kindness. May indicate immaturity or sexual insecurities. May indicate the departure of an old friend.
Click for DetailsThe card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way - it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. Ghoul, when reversed: Stagnation or petrifaction. The refusal to let go of the past. Resistance to change because of fear.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. Knight of Artifacts (The Hound Amulet): The essence of air behaving as fire, such as a tornado: A fearless and skillful warrior, unfettered by emotion or material concerns. One able to boldly take on challenges that others consider terrifying or insurmountable. A person who inspires fear and awe through the purity of their purpose and the intensity of their intellect. Speaking frankly, in an outspoken manner, and with great influence. May portend the swift initiation or conclusion of a conflict, through the decisive invocation of force.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which the situation is based. Four of Man (Charles Dexter Ward): Being surrounded by love and devotion but taking it for granted. Ignoring the real and longing for the indefinable. Apathy and disengagement from the world. Dissatisfaction with the condition and direction of affairs, but the inability to accept new opportunities.
Click for DetailsThe card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something to be released. Knight of Tomes (The Ponape Scriptures): The essence of fire, such a great conflagration. One filled with vitality and passion for life. A sexy and exciting person, daring in their actions, cocky in their attitude, and utterly without fear. Absolute sincerity, coupled with violent emotions that swing wildly from one extreme to another. Boundless creativity and lust for a change of both pace and place. The rapid approach, or more likely departure, of something that sets your world ablaze. Often suggests travel or escape.
Click for DetailsThe card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced. Yog Sothoth: A pure, exalted and gracious influence. Education, knowledge, wisdom, and esoteric teachings. The forces of nature. Intuition, foresight, and spiritual revelation of the most mysterious and arcane sort.
Click for DetailsThe card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. Lavinia & Yog Sothoth: A caring and trusting relationship. Beauty and inner harmony. A decision calling for emotional control and faithfulness to spiritual values.
Click for DetailsThe card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. Knight of Sites (EOD Temple), when reversed: The essence of earth behaving as fire, such as molten magma: One slow to action, even in the most urgent circumstances. A force of nature that cannot be diverted from the wrong path. The voice of duty and honor utterly divorced from reality. Lack of imagination and the complete unwillingness to try a different approach, even if the face of complete failure. Idleness and stagnation.
Click for DetailsThe card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. Two of Tomes (De Vermis Mysteriis), when reversed: The erosion of power and influence. Failing to articulate goals or establish a vision for the future. Being caught off guard, due to an inability to come to grips with the impact of past decisions. Obstinate and irresponsible leadership. Loss of interest, clarity, or faith in a venture.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Two of Sites (Irem, City of Pillars): Balance and harmony achieved in a time of upheaval and transformation. Taking two steps forward for every one step back. Shifting the importance of projects and priorities to keep everything on track. A change in occupation or location.