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Today's Stichomancy for Arnold Schwarzenegger

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Lone Star Ranger by Zane Grey:

water almost up to his knees, felt the quicksand grip his feet; then, leaning forward till he reached the plank, he pulled it toward him and lay upon it.

Without a sound one end went slowly under water and the farther end appeared lightly braced against the overhanging willows. Very carefully then Duane began to extricate his right foot from the sucking sand. It seemed as if his foot was incased in solid rock. But there was a movement upward, and he pulled with all the power he dared use. It came slowly and at length was free. The left one he released with less difficulty. The next few moments he put all his attention on the plank to ascertain

The Lone Star Ranger