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Featured Products for 7/27/2024

      Thank you for supporting our site by shopping at our store! Today's featured products are listed below, and you can click the links on the left to view a much wider selection in each of our departments. The products we offer were selected because they are the most popular, most informative, or most entertaining of the thousands of spirituality products available. We believe that you will enjoy them as much as the rest of the internet community has. Every purchase you make, whether it is a gift for every one of your friends or a single deck for yourself, helps us to maintain this site and continue to offer readings for FREE. If you need some recommendations, feel free to contact us.
Tarot... Runes... I Ching...
I Ching
Complete Book of Tarot: A Step-By-Step Guide

Offering a comprehensive understanding of the Tarot, its history, and its significance, this book also provides a complete home study program for the reader interested in expanding his or her powers of interpretation.
Zen Runes Kit

Featuring 27 rune stones with gold engravings in an elegant velvet drawstring bag, this kit offers a fusion of Norse runes and Zen philosophy that actually appears to work. Very entertaining.
Book of Changes

The foremost Western translation of the I Ching, featuring exceptional commentary, though somewhat colored by the Christian beliefs of the translator.
Numerology... Biorhythm... Fun...
The Numerology Kit

An excellent starter book on numerology, providing very clear step-by-step instructions for revealing the meaning of your name and birth date.
Biorhythm Kit: Plan For The Ups And Downs In Your Life

A clean and simple introduction to biorhythms, which includes a wheel you can use to chart the relevant highs and lows.
Birthdays, Stars, and Numbers

A fun and interesting approach to spiritual insight that relates astrology to numberology. Includes detailed descriptions of all 366 birth days (remember the leap year).
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

A definitive catalog of herbs and their use in spellcasting and elemental magick.