The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from A Legend of Montrose by Walter Scott: that nothing that has passed this evening, not even his having
eaten my bread and salt, and pledged me in brandy, Bourdeaux, or
usquebaugh, shall prejudice my cleaving him to the neck-bone."
"You shall be heartily welcome," said the Captain, "providing my
sword cannot keep my head, which it has done in worse dangers
than your fend is likely to make for me."
Here Lord Menteith again interposed, and the concord of the
company being with no small difficulty restored, was cemented by
some deep carouses. Lord Menteith, however, contrived to break
up the party earlier than was the usage of the Castle, under
pretence of fatigue and indisposition. This was somewhat to the