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Today's Stichomancy for Hugh Grant

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Extracts From Adam's Diary by Mark Twain:

this; I am not used to company. I wish it would stay with the other animals. Cloudy to-day, wind in the east; think we shall have rain. ... Where did I get that word? ... I remember now-- the new creature uses it.


Been examining the great waterfall. It is the finest thing on the estate, I think. The new creature calls it Niagara Falls--why, I am sure I do not know. Says it looks like Niagara Falls. That is not a reason; it is mere waywardness and imbecility. I get no chance to name anything myself. The new creature names everything that comes along, before I can get in a protest. And always that