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Today's Stichomancy for James Joyce

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Jolly Corner by Henry James:

drawn blinds, of the occasional gleam of street-lamps, of the glazed spaces of the vestibule. This was the bottom of the sea, which showed an illumination of its own and which he even saw paved - when at a given moment he drew up to sink a long look over the banisters - with the marble squares of his childhood. By that time indubitably he felt, as he might have said in a commoner cause, better; it had allowed him to stop and draw breath, and the case increased with the sight of the old black-and-white slabs. But what he most felt was that now surely, with the element of impunity pulling him as by hard firm hands, the case was settled for what he might have seen above had he dared that last look. The closed