The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Hiero by Xenophon: prowess[16] in the field of battle, bravery in war; prizes for
uprightness[17] in fulfilment of engagements, contracts, covenants. If
so, I say it is to be expected that these several matters, thanks to
emulous ambition, will one and all be vigorously cultivated.
Vigorously! why, yes, upon my soul, and what a rush there would be!
How in the pursuit of honour they would tear along where duty called:
with what promptitude pour in their money contributions[18] at a time
of crisis.
[15] See "Revenues," iii. 3; A. Zurborg, "de. Xen. Lib. qui {Poroi}
inscribitur," p. 42.
[16] Cf. "Hell." III. iv. 16; IV. ii. 5 foll.