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Today's Stichomancy for Lee Harvey Oswald

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Some Reminiscences by Joseph Conrad:

limitless blackness of a winter's night there lay the great unfenced fields--not a flat and severe plain, but a kindly bread- giving land of low rounded ridges, all white now, with the black patches of timber nestling in the hollows. The road by which I had come ran through the village with a turn just outside the gates closing the short drive. Somebody was abroad on the deep snowtrack; a quick tinkle of bells stole gradually into the stillness of the room like a tuneful whisper.

My unpacking had been watched over by the servant who had come to help me, and, for the most part, had been standing attentive but unnecessary at the door of the room. I did not want him in the

Some Reminiscences