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Today's Stichomancy for Martin Luther King Jr.

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Kenilworth by Walter Scott:

created such an unimaginable paradise, than for all the wonders it contains."

"The Lord is to be thanked first," said the pretty Puritan, "who gave thee, lady, the kind and courteous husband whose love has done so much for thee. I, too, have done my poor share. But if you thus run wildly from room to room, the toil of my crisping and my curling pins will vanish like the frost-work on the window when the sun is high."

"Thou sayest true, Janet," said the young and beautiful Countess, stopping suddenly from her tripping race of enraptured delight, and looking at herself from head to foot in a large mirror, such
