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Today's Stichomancy for Samuel L. Jackson

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy:

could put up with anything if I had that--forgive nothing if I had it not. Elfride, you have such a soul, if ever woman had; and having it, retain it, and don't ever listen to the fashionable theories of the day about a woman's privileges and natural right to practise wiles. Depend upon it, my dear girl, that a noble woman must be as honest as a noble man. I specially mean by honesty, fairness not only in matters of business and social detail, but in all the delicate dealings of love, to which the licence given to your sex particularly refers.'

Elfride looked troublously at the trees.

'Now let us go on to the river, Elfie.'

A Pair of Blue Eyes