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Today's Stichomancy for Snoop Dogg

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Outlaw of Torn by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

addressing, for the first time during all those weary, hideous hours removing her glance from the old hag. It was enough. Silently, but with the quickness of a tigress the old woman was upon her back, one claw- like paw grasping the wrist which held the dagger.

"Quick, My Lord!" she shrieked, "the bolts, quick."

Instantly Peter of Colfax ran his arm through the tiny opening in the door and a second later four of his men rushed to the aid of the old woman.

Easily they wrested the dagger from Bertrade's fin- gers, and at the Baron's bidding they dragged her to

The Outlaw of Torn