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Numerology Store

I Ching
Birthdays, Stars, and Numbers

A fun and interesting approach to spiritual insight that relates astrology to numberology. Includes detailed descriptions of all 366 birth days (remember the leap year).
Complete Illustrated Guide to Numerology

A delightful look at how the numbers in your life can influence your relationships, career, and even your diet. Great for beginners at numerology!
Four Pillars and Oriental Medicine

An intricate system for predicting and analyzing patterns of health based on birth day, location, and hour.
Numbers and You

A fun and powerful tool for uncovering the meaning of the numbers in your everyday life. Covers everything from ancient Chaldean numerology to the secrets behind lottery numbers and birthdays.
Numerology and the Divine Triangle

A comprehensive text on numerology and how it relates to Tarot, including detailed descriptions of the numbers 1 through 78, and their astrological and Tarot correspondences.
Numerology and the I Ching

A deep symbolic and numerological analysis of the pattern, structure, and composition of the 64 hexagrams.
Numerology: Key to your Inner Self

One of the most popular books on numerology, and a favorite amongst students and teachers of the art. Starts from the very beginning, and builds to more advanced topics.
Numerology: Right and Left Brain

A unique approach to numerology, offers a variety of ways to understand the role of numbers in your life, as well as diagrams to make it all clear.
The Numerology Kit

An excellent starter book on numerology, providing very clear step-by-step instructions for revealing the meaning of your name and birth date.
The Secret Science of Numerology

An analysis of the logic underlying the art of numerology, exploring the origins and nature of numbers and letters.