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Today's Tarot for W. C. Fields

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The Hagall spread is a tool for revealing the path of spiritual growth in difficult situations. It is a favorite of mystics and those confronting a major life challenge. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to www.blaketarot.com.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the circle represents the core or central issue of the situation. Three of Poetry (Creativity), when reversed: Seeking a creative opportunity in a commercial environment. Imaginative approaches are squandered in mundane circumstances. Seeking Truth where only Fact can be found. In the creative process: You get the go-ahead to "do your thing"; your project has special blessing at this time because of your ability to see an overview or get the big picture.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom of the circle represents something you did to bring the situation about. Six of Music (Pleasure): "...we cannot experience pleasure but by means of others...". Being the center of attention. Receiving support from teamwork or group action. Satisfaction deriving from family, friends, colleagues. Participation in a social or community endeavor. Reunion. Keen awareness of the dance of life. Forging links and bonds with others. Experiencing a sense of belonging. Nostalgia and happy memories. In the creative process: Make use of collective or group energies, bringing them together for maximum benefit and mutual enjoyment.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom left of the circle represents your beliefs, impressions, or expectations. Transformation: Eliminating something old to make room for something new. A major change or metamorphosis is at hand. Renewal. Preparing for the future. Letting-go is advised, even if difficult. Acceptance of what is inevitable. Cutting your losses. Stripping away the excess or superfluous.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom right of the circle represents the most likely outcome of the situation given present circumstances. Child of Poetry, when reversed: Lack of artistic discipline. Refusal to introspect or learn from the mistakes of others. Taking unnecessary risks. Bending over backwards in your effort to see the appropriate direction for self-development and creativity. In the creative process: An inspirational breakthrough is at your feet; it is up to your to pick up the energy and make the most of it.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper left of the circle represents the spiritual history of the situation the things you've learned. Reversal: Deliberately looking at the situation in a new way or from a different perspective. Brainstorming in a search for solutions. Turning things upside down, and being unconventional. Creative retreat into yourself. Acceptance of losses or reversals. Withstanding a difficult or uncomfortable position.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the circle represents the spiritual tasks and challenges of the present situation. Seven of Painting (Patience), when reversed: Refusing to wait for the situation to develop or ripen. Demanding immediate material assistance or reinforcements. Possible delays and slowdowns. Feeling uncertain or apprehensive about a tangible issue. Procrastination. Squandering your resources. In the creative process: Straining to speed things up only produces anxiety, so get a grip and wait for everything to unfold according to its own timing.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper right of the circle represents the metamorphosis of the spiritual situation, and how your knowledge will evolve. Three of Music (Exuberance), when reversed: Sense of emotional contraction. Inability to experience joy. Lack of motivation. Stagnating on the verge of new territory. An absence of enthusiasm among supportive relationships. In the creative process: Exciting and joyous progress is taking place; blow your horn!
Click for DetailsThe card at the left of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey. Eight of Science (Restriction), when reversed: Suppressed creative energy waiting to burst free. External constraints provide much-needed focus. Intense mental fervor despite outward calm. Freedom from your prejudices, dogmatic attitudes, and fear of failure. Self discipline and mastery over ones emotions. In the creative process: Make your obstructions or limitations productive by stimulating greater intensity of thought and a deeper sense of spiritual freedom.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the lower line represents the qualities that you express in this circumstance. Four of Poetry (Harmony), when reversed: Things refuse to come together. Achievements or personal successes go unrecognized. What was sown cannot be reaped. Discord among friends and family. Inability to working together with a partner or share a special experience. In the creative process: The various elements and personalities involved in your project are interacting harmoniously, generating an appropriate sense of gratitude for what has been accomplished so far.
Click for DetailsThe card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. Religion, when reversed: Hypocritical influences and spiritual materialism. Corruption in high places. Fighting or giving in to City Hall. Feeling oppressed by the rules. Question authority and be suspicious of leaders and gurus.