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Today's Bibliomancy for Jon Stewart

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from King James Bible:


NUM 31:28 And levy a tribute unto the LORD of the men of war which went out to battle: one soul of five hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep:

NUM 31:29 Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering of the LORD.

NUM 31:30 And of the children of Israel's half, thou shalt take one portion of fifty, of the persons, of the beeves, of the asses, and of the flocks, of all manner of beasts, and give them unto the Levites, which keep the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD.

NUM 31:31 And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded

King James Bible