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Today's Stichomancy for Nick Lachey

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Witch, et. al by Anton Chekhov:

river bank one day to Novopavlovka. A storm was gathering, such a tempest it was, preserve us Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven. . . . I was hurrying on as best I could, I looked, and beside the path between the thorn bushes -- the thorn was in flower at the time -- there was a white bullock coming along. I wondered whose bullock it was, and what the devil had sent it there for. It was coming along and swinging its tail and moo-oo-oo! but would you believe it, friends, I overtake it, I come up close -- and it's not a bullock, but Yefim -- holy, holy, holy! I make the sign of the cross while he stares at me and mutters, showing the whites of his eyes; wasn't I frightened! We came alongside, I was afraid