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      Our personal profiles are based on Numerology, the ancient practice of uncovering hidden associations between words by converting letters into numbers (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc). Unlike modern numerology (which revolves around interpretations of individual numbers), this older form of numerology focuses on lists of words, names, and dates whose numeric values match your own in some way. Our own contribution to the art of numerology (that's right - you saw it here first) is using this approach to find the Tarot card and Rune that represent you, celebrities who match your birth path, and words that have significant meaning to your public or private life. The results can be startling, such as the dramatic difference between the Public Role and Private Persona of OJ Simpson, or how the words surrounding Audrey Hepburn dazzle us as much as she does. Understanding these readings requires an attention to detail, but the advantage of pure numerology is that the readings are entirely objective - you can even check the math yourself. If you would like to learn more about numerology, check out our store.